Because I was busy with school and Dr. Feather was pregnant with our second child, we never got a proper garden put in this year. However, life goes on and we were blessed with some unexpected garden bounty. A bunch of squash type plants started growing out of our compost pile. I began to refer to them as our "mystery squash". Now some of our plants are producing fruit and they are not so mysterious anymore.

This is a pumpkin that is growing on one of our plants. We also have some acorn squash. This year we get to reap where we did not sow, which is great because we didn't do much sowing. We also have some tomato and swiss chard growing out of compost.
I did get some things done in the garden. I planted some rosemary, a couple of tomato plants, and a bunch of lettuce. Which brings me to another things I did this year. Rabbits!
This is my new female New Zealand rabbit. I just got her and her mate a couple of days ago. In a few months they will be ready to breed and a few months after that the children will be big enough to eat. I know a lot of people won't be comfortable with that, but I'm taking responsibility for the meat I eat by producing some of it myself. If you aren't squeamish about killing your food, meat rabbits are a good investment. They eat weeds, their poop makes great fertilizer, and they say a female can produce up to 90 lbs of meat a year. Also, their skins can be tanned and either sold or handcrafted.
All in all, it is turning out to be a decent year. I'm sure next year will be even better.